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Improving Livelihoods of Coastal Communities
© © Jonathan Caramanus / Green Renaissance / WWF-

People at the centre of conservation

Social and Economic empowerement of communities are catalysts to proper environmental stewardship.

WWF-Kenya has continued to support the trash to cash project that involves local communities, especially women and youth. The project is a sustainable solution to the challenge of marine debris. It has created jobs & facilitated clean-up of beaches vital for sea turtle breeding and local tourism. The debris is collected, turned to crafts such as sculptures, toys, jewellery. WWF-Kenya has also supported the formation of Village Savings and Loans Associations (VSLAs) as well as the Rasini Fishers' Cooperative Society. These two initiatives have helped improve access to credit in villages with a commendable impact on fisheries management in Lamu. Services offered by these institutions include saving, taking loans, assisting in times of need with an aim to diversify livelihood options, increase resilience against climate change and infrastructure development while at the same time reduce pressure and overreliance on coastal and marine resources