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PandaLabs is currently supporting four prototypes as part of our acceleration program. The prototypes are offered technical support and seed funding to improve their concepts taking them to the next level.
Ukwenza VR
Ukwenza VR is an social enterprise that uses VR and AR technology and gaming to educate the public on social issues. Ukwenza VR started its operations in April 2018 after winning the national AR/VR Hackathon and has since been building educational products targeted at social issues. Our initial product is centered around conversation and the need to introduce young people to conservation practices and center the narrative around a familiar reality. Ukwenza VR is operating in a new space globally, finding new ways to apply VR to social issues in Kenya and Africa at large. The applications of VR are changing on a daily basis and Ukwenza VR is taking the lead in ensuring VR advances the social growth and excellence of the social of the continent.
Anisan Ndovu Care
Anisan is an elephant tracking company located in Tsavo- National Park with a corporate office in Voi Town
Human elephant conflict is the interaction between elephants and people and the resultant is a negative impact on people or their resources or elephant or their habitat. It possesses a grave threat to their continued existence. The conflicts have become a serious issue of concern and are a threat to local community livelihoods, safety and wildlife conservation efforts. Conflict between elephants and humans are mostly associated with crop raiding as the main form of conflict. This leads to injuries and death to human caused by elephants and the elephants being killed by human for reasons other than ivory and habitat degradation. A more urgent immediate problem for elephants in Kenya and Africa at large is the increasing trend in elephant pouching apparently fueled by a rise in the price of ivory and proliferation of illegal uncontrolled markets. There is urgent need for redress of the human elephant conflict in Taita Taveta County in order to safeguard local community livelihoods and enhance wild life conservation in this respect, increased community awareness on the importance of wildlife (elephant) is necessary. These efforts will benefit from using appropriate technology such as the “Ndovu Care” gadget which will help in locating the elephants.
Mianzi Makaa -Bamboo Value Chain Mianzi
Makaa is a project of Bamboo Value Chain, by encouraging Bamboo farming which produces large amounts of biomass, making it an ideal energy source. They make briquettes and sell to local communities has an alternative form of fuel. It has been established that Bamboo is a sustainable resource each bamboo clump upon maturity can sustainably providing up to 150 Kilograms of biomass per household without clear felling of the plants

Gryn Kulture
GrynKulture Movement is a simple, low-cost initiative aimed at influencing the behavior of everyday consumers and corporations towards improved plastic waste management and disposal. @grynkulture #NaiGreen through social impact design campaigns. We aim to motivate corporates, small businesses and consumers to dispose of their waste responsibly and in an eco-friendly manner, leading to a happier, healthier, better looking Nairobi.